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Both DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) convictions commonly come with several restrictions and fines.

In order to keep a valid driver’s license, vehicle owners may be ordered to have an ignition interlock device, also known as an in-car breathalyzer, installed in their vehicle. These court-ordered devices are connected to the vehicle’s ignition system. If the breath sample exceeds the preset legal limit, the interlock device temporality prevents the vehicle from starting.

However, some drivers may try to bypass this system by masking the presence of alcohol on their breath. One of the ways motorists have attempted to drive after drinking alcohol is by eating peanut butter.

But can you beat a breathalyzer with peanut butter, or is this an urban myth? Let’s look at the science behind this phenomenon and try to separate fact from fiction.

How to Beat a Breathalyzer Test with Peanut Butter

How-to videos online are plentiful; there are literally billions of them available on the internet. As a matter of fact, users on YouTube alone upload 300 hours of video content to the platform every minute of every day. A quick search of “How to beat a breathalyzer test with peanut butter” returns a wide variety of results.

One video in particular claims a person’s BAL (blood alcohol level) of 0.45 was eliminated after eating one tablespoon of peanut butter, jelly, and a glass of water. However, there are several problems with this approach and the video itself:

  • This experiment wasn’t performed in a controlled environment. So, the breathalyzer result may be completely unreliable or, at the very least misleading.
  • Even if BAC levels could be lowered with peanut butter, the breathalyzer used in the video isn’t an official, court-mandated device.
  • Drivers are asked to blow into these devices during “rolling retests” or “rolling checks” when the car is in motion.
  • There is also a problem with the timing since the video doesn’t show whether the results will change a few seconds or minutes later.
  • Another issue is that the subject waits ten minutes after consuming multiple shots of alcohol. This may skew the person’s test results.

Another important issue to consider is that breathalyzer tests are administered by a police officer or other legal official. It’s highly unlikely that these professionals won’t notice the motorist consuming peanut butter before administering the test.

Can You Really Beat a Breathalyzer with Peanut Butter?

According to experts, the peanut butter approach to buck the breathalyzer system is close — but no cigar. Similarly, smoking or chewing tobacco products won’t work, either.

In short, using peanut butter to beat breathalyzer tests isn’t an effective solution, and here’s why: high levels of sodium found in peanuts and other legume by-products will neutralize ethanol (or alcohol) — but not by much.

Peanut butter also breaks down in the large intestine to produce hydrogen gas, which some people say can neutralize the alcohol. However, as peanut butter travels from the mouth to the large intestine, it bypasses the lungs. Unless you’re washing your lungs out with a peanut butter sandwich, it won’t help you beat a breathalyzer test.

So, when it comes to beating breathalyzer tests, there’s only one solution: don’t drink and drive. Even a small amount of alcohol can cause impairment.

Looking for more answers to your questions? Whether you want to avoid drinking alcohol, responsible drinking, and safe driving tips, our blog is a great resource! If you have questions about our ignition interlock devices, please feel free to contact us at 1-833-545-0368. We are committed to making the roads safe.

*Links to any third-party websites herein are provided for your reference and convenience only. RoadGuard Interlock did not create nor develop and does not own any such third-party websites. RoadGuard Interlock does not endorse nor support the content of, nor any opinions stated in any such third-party website links. RoadGuard Interlock is not responsible for the content of any third-party website or its accuracy or reliability. Nothing contained in this article or in any such third-party website shall be considered legal advice or be deemed to constitute legal advice. For any legal advice concerning a DUI arrest, charge, conviction, or consequences thereof, you should contact an attorney of your choice.